
CASE is THE VOICE of special education leaders, with over 5,600 members nationwide and across multiple provinces.

The Council of Administrators of Special Education (CASE) is an international professional organization committed to visionary leadership, inclusive practices, engagement, and integrity. As the voice of special education leaders, CASE routinely engages with federal agencies, national coalitions, and partner organizations representing our members. This focus on national policy and advocacy supports lasting solutions that continue to drive the profession forward! 

Networking    Professional Learning    Advocacy    Resources    Savings



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 Benefits of Membership 

Connect with over 5.600 special
education leaders nationwide
and throughout
the world.
Professional Learning
Policy & Advocacy





Dr. Ashley Krause"The learning, forward-thinking, networking with "boots on ground mentality" allows special education and general 
education leaders to stay consistent with current trends and needs as the organization supports our struggles. CASE does more than just provide a growth mindset of research and learning; it enables and encourages those in education to find extended support when otherwisesiloed mentalities could overwhelm leaders. I am forever grateful."
~Dr. Ashley Krause
Associate Superintendent, Farmington School District (MO)